K | W | S

Our references: Corporations

Our firm specialises in advising classic medium-sized German companies in the field of international tax law.

Their turnover ranges regularly between 1-100 million EUR and only occasionally above.

Please note that we are of course only allowed to publish as references the clients who have agreed to this publication.

Below you will find exemplary references:

abp logo trans

For more than 15 years, we have been advising companies of the ABP Induction Group, namely ABP Induction Systems GmbH based in Dortmund as well as the US-based parent company ABP Induction LLC, on issues of transfer pricing and documentation, on all facets of international tax law as well as on the worldwide establishment of permanent establishments, primarily construction and assembly permanent establishments.

The ABP Induction Group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of induction furnaces and induction heating equipment for the metals and metalworking industries.

With over 400 highly skilled employees worldwide and sales, manufacturing and aftermarket locations in the USA, Germany, Sweden, Mexico, Thailand, India, China, South Africa and Russia, the ABP Group delivers products and services to all regions of the world.

The ABP Group generates consolidated group sales of approximately USD 76 million.

AutoForm Logo
 We advise the Swiss AutoForm Engineering GmbH. The headquarters of the AutoForm Group is located in Switzerland. The AutoForm Group was founded in 1995 in Zurich and, with over 400 employees, is the world's leading provider of software for product manufacturability assurance, tool and material cost calculation, tool design and virtual sheet metal forming and BiW assembly processes.

AutoForm Group's long-standing customers include almost all leading automotive manufacturers, also the German manufacturers Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW and Porsche.

Pressol trans

Within the Pressol Group, we primarily advise the German Pressol Schmiergeräte GmbH. Pressol Schmiergeräte GmbH is one of the oldest suppliers to the automotive industry. As a result of the first attempts in 1910 to construct an oil can that would function by means of a pump mechanism, the ship's officer Jakob Preßl developed a pump oiler and applied for a patent for it with the Austrian imperial family in 1914.

In the meantime, the PRESSOL Group produces more than 83 million individual parts. More than 90% of the product range comes from the company's own production sites with several hundred employees.

The more than 2,500 end products are delivered to over 15,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

Pos Service Group

For more than 15 years, under the leadership of our cooperation partner KWS Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH, we have been advising the POS Service Group on all matters of international tax law.

POS Service Group is one of the leading service specialists for services in the furniture, insurance, automotive, catering, and hotel sectors. As full service professionals, POS Service Group takes charge of all tasks for its commercial customers:

from order entry to personal scheduling with its own call center and the dispatching of its permanent staff of service technicians all the way to the provision of the individual service at the site of the customer.

POS services are complemented by a detailed reporting system that is generated and provided with the aid of state-of-the-art communication tools.

POS Service Group has over 800 employees in Germany and abroad, including more than 450 of own service technicians.

We also provide tax support for clients in the construction industry. For example, we assisted C Sistem Bilisim Ltd. with domestic infrastructure projects, particularly with regard to domestic registration.

Due to confidentiality obligations, we are of course only allowed to publish as references the clients who have agreed to this publication. As an example, we also advise a large Chinese group with a group turnover of more than EUR 100 million on issues of global permanent establishment taxation.

Our references: Boards of directors and managing directors

In the meantime, a very large and increasingly growing part of our work is advising individuals. These are regularly board members and managing directors of large corporations, whose names we do not publish.

The main focus of our advice is on ensuring the correct taxation of income in case of cross-border activities within the group, particularly in the context of employee participations and questions regarding their tax qualification.

We recently successfully finished a mutual agreement procedure and were able to eliminate the double taxation of an internationally active manager.





KWS Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH


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KWS International Steuerberatungsgesellschaft mbH



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